An open letter to German politicians (mainly of “Die Grünen”, “Die Linke” and SPD)

A huge, horrible catastophe. A disaster that for us, sitting in Germany, where the biggest catastrophes are usually stupid politicens, nobody can really get a grip of.  Uncounted numbers dead or missing, huge devastation of infrastructure of all kinds, homeless people, and above all that, nuclear power plants on the brink of a complete blowup.

This is, of course, the situation where politicians are expected to find the right words. And especially with elections in Baden-Württemberg on the doorstep, those of Die Grünen (the green party), “Die Linke” (hardcore stalinists) and SPD (the socialist) aren’t short of clever things to say? This is my open letter to them.

Dear bunch of inhuman, cruel and heartless assholes!

Don’t you have anything better to do than to take the whole human misery of a whole nation as a reason to pursue your own political agenda?

You should be thrown into a radiation-poisoned area, left there to rot. You and your loved ones. And all the folks from your party. And all the people who come to your events.

I’ve never encountered anything more tasteless and disgusting than you!

Your behaviour, your words are a crime against humanity by every definition.


Update (the next day):

Someone correctly pointed out that she cannot support my wish that the loved ones of the addressees of this open letter are to suffer. And that is true. After all, it’s not your fault if you’re loved by an inhuman, cruel and heartless asshole. “All the folks from [their] party” will remain in the radiation-poisoned area, left there to rot – for obvious reasons. Joining a political party of inhuman, cruel and heartless assholes was your own choice, now face the consequences.

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